June 13 Report: A great time for over 15 attendees!

What: An informal short lecture event,

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June 13 at the East Asheville Library, 3 Avon Rd, Asheville, NC 28805, Community Room.

A 5 pm - 6:45 pm event with three parts. All Harvard associates and friends are welcome.

1) 5 - 5:45 bring an appetizer to share and your non-alcoholic beverage of choice for yourself. This part is optional. Come just for #2 and/or #3 if you like.

2) 5:45 - 6:05 A talk by a member. "Who Protests? Why?" Jim Jasper '79 received his BA in economics at Harvard, followed by a PhD in sociology from Berkeley. He has written about culture and politics ever since, in and out of the academy, coming to specialize in protest and emotions in recent years. He and his wife moved from New York to Asheville in 2021. . His specialty is Protests!  (Also, optional.)

3) 6:10 - 6:30 Another talk by a member, Tom Southwick Harvard College AB 1971: “Stories from my time in Politics.” He was a page in the US Senate, the national student coordinator for the McGovern for President campaign, press secretary to Sen Ted Kennedy,  and informal advisor to Sen Gary Hart along the way on a career in journalism.

Then socialize, clean up, etc.

No charge for the event.

THEN those who wish to will mosey on over to a pre-arranged restaurant for no-host food and drinks. Think Pomodoros, etc. Venue To Be Announced. (Optional, too.)

So, in summary, food, good information, more food with drinks.

Questions? dfsmithphd@gmail.com  619-876-6343

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